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Writer's pictureLoads Of Dignity

Basket Auction

We will hold an online auction of themed baskets starting on October 31st. The online proceeds will go towards helping with our half of the matching grant from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation. We need to raise $10,000 by March 20, 2025, before we can be awarded their $10,000. Last year, we raised our half in three months! This is because of all of you and your support of our services to restore dignity to our homeless and low-income neighbors. If you would be interested in personally or your company making up a basket for the auction, please email us @ Monetary can be mailed to PO BOX 809, Hamilton, PayPal on our website or dropped off at Fast & Fluffy on 113 Foxfield St. in Hamilton, Attn: Loads of Dignity.

The need for our services increases each day we hold our laundry days. Here are the current children's living situation numbers. On August 8th, we had 11 children living in low-income housing and 72 living in camp trailers. Our new numbers for comparison of our growth just for the children as of September 23rd: 5 children living in low-income housing and 107 living in camp trailers. Very heartbreaking! We have several grants out on us, which we hope to be awarded soon. Our funding is running very low.

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